HISIAD; (Association of Hardware Manufacturers and Businessmen) was established on 10.01.2019 with the support of companies producing in the hardware industry. HISIAD is a non-governmental organization that aims to promote companies operating in the hardware sector in Turkey and abroad.
HISIAD of the companies in the hardware sector; It continues its activities in order to increase its production quality, to produce more efficient products for the other sectors it serves, and to have a voice on a global scale.
HISIAD, which consists of strong companies in the hardware sector, aims to grow with the participation of other companies operating in the sector.
HISIAD Board of Directors consists of 9 people. The Board of Directors meets 4 times a month and works to find solutions to the problems of the sector and the demands of its members.
The board of directors invites company representatives by holding meetings with wide participation every three months. Current issues are evaluated in meetings held with various experts.
There are 5 committees established within HISIAD. Our committees; It consists of representatives appointed by companies that are members of the association. It makes visits by contacting organizations related to the sector.
Companies that want to join our association are evaluated by our Board of Directors within the scope of ethical values and sectoral activities.