Berfino Furniture Accessories was established in 2006 in lstanbuVİkite/1/, a famify business with the aim of making its sectoraf experience a reafity. Arnong the manufacturing subjects, especially furniture handles, knobs;hangers, door handfes, knobs, steel door accessories, fasteners and variaus metal furniture hardware. Our company, which exports ta more than 30 countries, has the competence ta produce special solutions tor its customers, as we/1 as to pravide the best experience in ecanomic, quafity and sustainabfe service, by foffowing the sectoral innovations up-to-date. Berfino works with a nature-friendly and recyclable praduction approach and has adopted a zera-waste production approach with enviranmental impact awareness. Our experienced and professional staff has aMlays been in search of the better without losing their motivation and quest tor how we can improve ourselves since the day we were tounded. Our company has a/so obtalned the ISO9001 Quafity Certlflcate in order ta ensure customer satlsfactlon.